Last week, Nelum took her first flight to visit her mother's family in Gainesville, Florida. The photo shows her with Andrea, her maternal great grandmother. In fact, this is the only great grandparent that Nelum has. Roy saw both his great grandmothers, and I remember seeing my maternal grand mother a few times. Great grand fathers are not mentioned here because they have obviously predeceased their wives.
Nelum's hand on mine. What a difference 60 years make.
For a month, I enjoyed spending time with Nelum. The last time I had been so close to a baby was 37 years ago, with Roy. So the time with Nelum, playing and cooing with her, observing her changes of mood and her responses to the environment were most enjoyable.
I would spend some time with Nelum every morning after my walk. Having been fed by her mother, Nelum would be in a good mood. Invariably, without fail, she would poop which would require a nappy change and sometimes a bath. Nelum was always in a good mood after her bath, happy to be left alone in a cradle which played the same music endlessly. After a couple of weeks, i could barely stand the music, but Nelum didn't complain. How could she? She would also lie on a mat on the floor, with some soft toys (animal friends) hanging over her.
She may have been recognizing voices at the beginning, and by 3 months she probably began to match faces with the voices. Once, while sitting in my lap, she turned her head up to look at me when I called her name. She would also gaze at the screen while I watched TV, the news junkie that I am. She also began to make sounds, and one day laughed merrily at my jokes.
There's endless speculation about who she looks like. Of course, Nelum's appearance changes all the time, but one indicator that she has Fawzia's features is her rather flat nose. One day, a friend of my sister Beaula walked in. She hadn't seen my late mother (Nelum's great grandmother) in more than 30 years, and she instantly said that Nelum looks like my mother. As far as her appearance is concerned, I am sure that surprises await us.
Nelum could become moody and cry at times, especially when hungry. Sometimes her crying would be heart rending. At other times, in preparation for a cry, she would curl up her lower lip, a behavior I hadn't seen in any family member.

With Fawzia
On the beach in North Carolina
Nelum likes the outdoors. When she became moody, I would step out with her, walking down the sidewalks in the neighborhood. She would instantly calm down.
hen driving, preferred to sit in the back seat, where Nelum's car seat was installed. We generally enjoyed each other's company.
With Roy, Beaula, and me
With Roy at the Sri Lankan day With Beaula, Roy, and Shannon With me