We got used to seeing him around long before we had a nickname for him. He is the village scavenger, collecting anything--cardboard, metal, plastic, aluminium ware-- of any value, loading them on to his little trolley and trundling it down to Sai Kung town, a good 2 kms away. I once asked him how much he earned from each load, and he said $10. He speaks English but doesn't chat much with me. I did see him having a long chat with a Gweilo down the hill.
Smiley is the only villager who chats with us, sometimes in his halting but always interesting English. When I asked him about the old man, I was told that he had lived abroad. When I asked what he did, Smiley said "cooker". (He meant cook.) The nickname stuck.

Loading up his little trolley one morning. I once gave him a broken lap top computer and he was happy, saying he could get $100 for that.
Recently, Cooker had a bonanza. The village chief died and was buried in a plot up the hill. A few days later, the daughters-in-law began to throw out many of old Mr. Wong's possession, many of which ended up on Cooker's trolley to be sold down hill in Sai Kung.
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